We are excited to announce one of our latest feature enhancements, the Respondent Feedback Loop. With this tool, you are able to send automated, customized follow-up emails based on criteria from survey responses. It is a great function that sends respondents a personalized email from the survey they completed based on any criteria that you want. Keep reading to learn more about the Respondent Feedback Loop as well as how to set it up. To see the rest of our enhancements made on July 25, 2014, click here.
The Respondent Feedback Loop feature allows you to map custom follow-up emails based on predetermined criteria that you choose. It will automatically send out follow-up emails to survey respondents based on the answers and scores they got when completing a survey. Once you get it set up, forget about manually sending out follow-up emails. This saves you time, frustration, and having to remember to send them. Essentially, this means that you are closing the loop on customer feedback.
You have the option to get really complex with Respondent Feedback Loop and set it up with scoring and scripting, or you can just keep it simple and create criteria based on survey responses. Either way you choose, the respondent will receive a highly personalized email. You can also add rich text options such as bold and italics, images, multimedia, and links to improve the look and feel of your email. Check out the funny image above of James Franco that was an example of an email sent out after a movie survey.
Setting up the Respondent Feedback Loop is simple. Once logged into your Survey Analytics account, go to the "Edit Survey" tab and click on "Email Notification" on the left-hand side. Make sure you select the check box for "Enable Action Alert" and then click "New Action Alert". Once you've done that a box will appear at the top of the window where you can input criteria. Add any critera you would like; in the example here we are using a movie survey. When a respondent selects a certain answer, they get an email tailored to that response (in this case, of James Franco).
Next it will take you to a page that looks like this. On the left-hand side you see the Criteria Matches column. Click the drop box and select "Email Respondent". Then you can enter the email it's coming from, email from name, and BCC email. Next, write the subject line and body of the email. Here is where you can use rich text options for the email body, such as bold and italics, images, and links.
On the right-hand side you will see the "Otherwise" option column. In most cases, you will leave the first action set as "Do Nothing", but if you have a survey with a low incidence rate, you may want to turn on an action for a follow-up. When you are finished, click Save Changes.
For a full walkthrough of how to set up a Respondent Feedback Loop, watch the video below made by VP of Client Services Esther LaVielle. If you have further questions or need help setting up a Respondent Feedback Loop, contact your Customer Success Team.
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