Portrait of a Mobile Consumer

In today's media landscape, consumers have more control than ever. With our smartphones in hand, we already control most of the purchasing process, and using our mobile phones in the retail space is not uncommon. Thanks to our friends at Vouchercloud for providing this awesome infographic called Portrait of a Mobile Consumer, we are dissecting the state of mobile in 2014 and beyond. Continue reading to learn more about mobile commerce, the rise in cloud computing, social media power shifts, what the future holds and much more.

As smartphone adoption rates peak, we are experiencing a surge in "m-commerce". M-commerce, or mobile commerce, is really nothing new, but it is certainly gaining a lot of momentum. By 2018, m-commerce sales are estimate to reach $626 billion, which is almost equal to the amount of e-commerce conducted in 2013 ($638 billion).

On Black Friday in 2013, more than 50% of Amazon consumers completed a purchase on a mobile device. Last year we conducted a study in partnership with qSample and Ipsos about shopper's habits on Black Friday. Of the 900 respondents we gained, 620 of them planned to go shopping on Black Friday. To see the full survey with the results, click here. The results are decisive; 90% of consumers already use their smartphones for pre-shopping activities, including location and opening hours of a business.

Let's shift from shopping to social. If you look at the chart below, you can see that mobile video is already dominant. But by 2018, mobile video is expected to generate over 69% of mobile data traffic. Today brands are striving to bridge the gap between friendship and commerce by becoming more personalized and localized.

NFC (Near Field Communication) and QR Codes are being used by retailers to create a more interactive in-store experience. Not to mention increased payment efficiency, including the redemption of vouchers and accumulation of points.

By using purchasing and comparison sites, consumers are much more informed than ever before, which means they can be more selective with their purchases. As a result, business will have to adapt to be more efficient in responding to consumer demands. This shift in mobile is already taking place, and is only expected to grow in years to come.

Check out the full infographic below with more information on the connected consumer.

Please include attribution to blog.surveyanalytics.com with this graphic.

Portrait of a Mobile Consumer

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