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This Black Friday we will be conducting a mobile shopping survey in partnership with qSample and Ipsos. The Black Friday Shopping survey is being conducted through the SurveySwipe Smartphone survey app. A very short brief survey conducted prior to the study received 900 unique respondent completes. Of the 900 respondents, 620 (69%) of them plan to go out shopping this Black Friday. Nearly 600 of the respondents that plan to shop on Black Friday will be participating in our mobile shopping survey for a small reward.
The other respondents do not plan to shop this Black Friday for these reasons:
- 123 respondents do not shop on Black Friday because they do not like the crowds
- 53 respondents are not going to shop on Black Friday because they have to work
- 45 respondents think the deals on Black Friday are not worth it
- 28 respondents will not shop this Black Friday because they plan to shop online
In our Black Friday mobile shopping survey, users will be downloading the SurveySwipe app and completing a survey from their Smartphones. After completing the survey, users will receive a reward to thank them for their time and participation. Using our powerful mobile platform we have the ability to connect in real time with consumers as they shop on Black Friday. We will be asking participants to complete a survey and we will also be collecting passive data from their Smartphones.
Some of the breakthrough forms of data we will be collecting include:
- App Usage (What Apps Smartphone Users Have Running this Black Friday)
- Location (Moving/Shopping Travel Patterns Throughout the Day)
- Images (Users Will Snap or Upload Images of Items Purchased on Black Friday)
- Device Information (The Devices and Operating Systems Being Used to Take the Survey)
Mobile plays a big factor into holiday shopping for 2013. This recent infographic pictured below found on the Tapjoy Blog shows survey results of holiday shopping habits of mobile consumers. We will post the results from our Black Friday mobile shopping survey over Thanksgiving weekend.
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