With Spring amongst us and Summer just around the corner, we thought it would be a good time to kick back and share with you some of our favorite beers here at Survey Analytics. Like most awesome start-ups, beer is a staple. In fact, we have some pretty rich data on beer consumption in the United States. Back in February, we conducted a study on The American Beer Buyer for Super Bowl XLVIII that you can check out here. We found that 84% of consumers prefer their beer in bottles over cans, 33% prefer ale, and 24% prefer lager. We also learned that home brewing is growing in popularity, as 68% of respondents stated that they are interested in brewing lessons. In addition to the Super Bowl, we also conducted a survey about American drinking habits on St. Patrick's Day that you can read here. 54% of people stated that they prefer to drink beer on St. Patrick's Day, and 49% planned to drink green beer on the holiday. With all of this data on beer consumption, it's only natural that we share with you some of our own favorites. Cheers!

Gretchen Lohman, VP of Sales and Business Development - Boundary Bay IPA from Bellingham, WA

John Johnson, Chief Growth Officer - Franziskaner from Munich, Germany

Gina Yeagley, Director of Marketing - Strongbow Cider from England

Greg Bender, Product Manager - Sam Smith Nut Brown Ale from North Yorkshire, UK
Melissa Ridgley, Marketing Coordinator - Cisco Grey Lady from Nantucket, MA

Esther LaVielle, VP of Client Services - Georgetown Brewery Manny's Pale Ale from Seattle, WA
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