FluidSurveys Alternative - Migrate Surveys and Survey Data into a QuestionPro account

Digital Marketing Manager at QuestionPro

How to Move Your Surveys into QuestionPro

fluidsurveys-transferQuestionPro has developed a simple three-step process to port your existing surveys into QuestionPro’s platform. QuestionPro supports almost every FluidSurveys question type and gives enterprise clients the choice of where to store their data.
In three easy steps, an existing FluidSurveys customer can migrate their data and surveys into a QuestionPro account;
  1. Go to http://questionpro.com/fluidsurveys
  2. Create an account with QuestionPro
  3. We will help you out with exporting your FluidSurveys Account Info
  4. We’ll Help Port Your Data to QuestionPro
Done! – We do the data import! Don’t risk losing all of your data or being limited by question types, get the best of both worlds by finding the FluidSurveys alternative and  joining QuestionPro for free.
 Global Data Centers
QuestionPro recognizes that a lot of customers chose FluidSurveys because of their Canadian roots and data stored in Canadian data centers. QuestionPro offers enterprise clients three options to store their data – 1.) The United States 2.) Canada 3.) The Netherlands. To comply with EU and CA regulations, QuestionPro allows customers to choose the geographical data center.
Supported Question Types
QuestionPro supports almost every Fluid Survey question-type. Basic question types include a drop-down grid, checkbox, Multiple Choice, Multiple Choice Grid, Matrix and Rating Scale, Text Response, Date/ Time, Section Heading, and more. Advanced question types supported include Net Promoter Score (NPS), Max Differential Scale, Ranking, Semantic Differential, Drill Downs, Hidden Fields, Javascript and more. QuestionPro’s platform also provides advanced question types not supported by FluidSurvey or SurveyMonkey, including Discrete Choice Conjoint, Van Westendorp Pricing and more. For a full breakdown of the question types see below;
CheckBox Grid
Dropdown Grid
Text Response
Section Heading
Multiple Choice
Net Promoter Score
Max Differential Scale
Semantic Differential
Drill Down
File Upload
Payment Question
Score Display
Hidden Field
Image Heat Map
3D Matrix
Image Hot Spot
Discrete Choice Conjoint
Van Westendorp Pricing
QuestionPro also integrates with CRM tools like Salesforce.com, Microsoft Dynamics, and provides webhooks and APIs for integration into in-house CRM systems.

Find the FluidSurveys Alternative – Join QuestionPro Today!

Visit http://questionpro.com/fluidsurveys to get your data imported and get started with porting your data and systems to QuestionPro!
