Feature Spotlight: Date / Time Question Enhancements

Overview on 24-hour time format enhancement in survey

In our latest software release, Survey Analytics makes it possible to implement a date / time question in an online survey with either 12-hour clock format (am and pm) or 24-hour clock format (military time). Our team has recently added new support for military time in date / time questions types. So, now you can add time in hh:mm format where hh is number of hours passed since midnight and mm is minutes passed since last hour, like 20:30.

24-hour format is the most preferred time format where the user does not want any ambiguity to slip in. It is popular in scientific, medical, aviation and military communities. Countries like UK, Germany, Australia, Canada and Philippines also prefer using 24-hour time format. Thus, Survey Analytics makes its enterprise survey platform more convenient and apt for these applications also.

This feature spotlight provides an overview on how to setup military time format for your date / time question types.

Please login to your Survey Analytics account and follow the following steps to have a look on the new enhanced feature. 

1. Click on your preferred saved ‘Survey Name’  and click on green ‘+’ sign to add a question. Choose ‘Data / Time’ question types from ‘Standard Question Types’

Settings for military time format

2. Click on ‘Settings’ on the menu bar. You will see a new ‘Enable 24-hour format’ bar in the Date / Time Settings. Click on this toggle button to make it ON and click ‘Save Settings’

Display time in online survey

3. Once you have saved the question, you will see options to choose time in 24-hour format, from 00 to 23, i.e, 24-hour format is now available for the respondents.

24-hour format enabled

With this new feature, you have more flexibility now, while designing the survey. 

We’ve got a few experts talking about employee engagement in our next webinar, "Employee Engagement: Measure to Success", if you’re looking to gain some insight on it, register now.    
