SA’s Community Advantage: Rewards Integration & International Rewards

Things can get tricky when you apply a rewards strategy to your community solution. Who do you want to use? How much money do you allocate? How do you keep track of the inventory? With Survey Analytics community management solutions, we offer an integrated rewards solution that is easy to use and saves time from using a third party vendor.

Our partnership with Tango Card gives our clients an opportunity to view a full and robust point and click rewards catalog that works directly with our points system. Points are redeemed by community members through the community member portal.

Digital cards from the top brands:

amazon gift cardstarbucks gift cardtarget gift carditunes gift cardhome depot gift cardfacebook gift cardamc gift cardamerican eagle gift cardapplebees gift cardbass pro gift cardchilis gift cardfandango gift cardgamestop gift cardgap gift cardgroupon gift cardihop gift cardkohls gift cardlandrys gift cardlogans roadhouse gift cardmacys gift cardmaggianos gift cardnike gift cardnordstrom gift cardnordstrom rack gift cardoverstock gift cardpetco gift cardpottery barn gift cardrei gift cardrixty gift cardspafinder gift cardsports authority gift cardstaples gift cardtoys r us gift cardzappos gift card1800flowers gift cardjcpenny gift cardgolfsmith gift cardgreat american days gift cardtask rabbit gift card

Want to build an international community and offer international rewards that works? As the leader in offering multi-national rewards,Tango Card and Survey Analytics has you covered! We cover rewards in the UK, Canada, and have Visa offerings that cover the rest of the globe.

To learn more about Survey Analytics community management solution, join us for a webinar on Thursday December 4th, 2014.

Title: The Building Blocks For A Sustainable Research Community
Date/Time: December 4th, 2014 11AM PST/ 2PM EST

Click Here To Learn More


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