Survey Analytics Community Advantage: Create Beautiful Community Sites!

The art of creating beautiful community sites on Survey Analytics is more than using colors and fonts that are acceptable to the legal department. Think of it as your community landing page - one that looks inviting with plenty of engaging content to entice members to visit on a regular basis. But the real art of community site optimization is crafting your site through the eyes of our audience. From a prospective community member’s perspective, their funnel progresses through four questions below.

Survey Analytics offers customizable community sites that will allow you beautifully answer these questions with ease. Make it work for you, but more importantly, make it work for your community members! Take a look at a few customized sites from our customers:

To learn more about Survey Analytics community management solution, please join us for a webinar on Thursday December 4th, 2014.
Title: The Building Blocks For A Sustainable Research Community
Date/Time: December 4th, 2014 11AM PST/ 2PM EST

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