Feature Spotlight: Heatmap Analysis

In this Feature Spotlight, we're showing off one of our most interactive question types - Heatmap Image Testing. A heatmap is a two-dimensional graphical representation of data where the information is presented by different colors, almost like a topographical map. This can be extremely valuable for ad and logo testing, gathering feedback about your website design, or for asking about any other images. Keep reading to better understand what heatmap image testing is, as well as how to set it up and view the data. To learn more about heatmap, or if you would like to take a survey to try it out, go here.

So, what is a heat map? As mentioned before, it is a graphical representation of data where the individual values are represented as colors. Take a look at the image above to see an example. In this instance, a heatmap analysis was conducted on a website (not our own). But they aren't just used for websites. They can be used for ad testing, logo design, product, print, packaging design testing, and the list goes on.

Good news! You can conduct heatmap image testing with Survey Analytics by using our interactive heatmap question type. Respondents can click and drag their mouse over the image to select the area that is most eye-catching to them. With multiple respondents, you will quickly see the density range of different colors show up with their corresponding popularity. The brighter the color, the more clicks and attention that area is getting.

To set up a heatmap image testing question of your own, simply log into your Survey Analytics account and click "Create New Survey" or select the survey that you want to add the question to. Next, click on "Add a Question to This Survey", then "Advanced Question Types" and then "Heatmap Image Testing" about half way down.

This is the next screen you will see. Here is where you can add Question Text or instructions for your respondent. This is where you will also select the image for your question. If it is not already uploaded, you will need to upload it first into your Image Library. You can find your Image Library on the left-hand side bar that is selected in bold red. Once it is uploaded, select the image from the drop down menu. A new feature we have added is the ability to select the maximum number of image areas. This means that you can choose (from 1 to 5) the number of boxes that respondents can select.

When people take your survey, they will see your image and have the option to click and drag a transparent box over the area that they find most eye-catching. Remember that they can only select as many areas as you specified in the previous question. Once more people have taken the survey, the colors will start to appear brighter and brighter based on their level of interest, giving rich insights into where people look when they view your content. There are so many applications for heatmap, and it is fun to take! Learn more about heatmap and even try a survey with one here.

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