This week was National Workplace Wellness Week, so we wanted to share some cool and unique ways that organizations have been encouraging wellness for their employees. Check out the 4 tweets below from this week on innovative ways to promote a healthy office space, as well as a shocking stat we found about how much poor employee health can cost each year.
#1: CareerBuilder recently shared an article with 5 affordable and realistic ways to promote wellness within your organization.
Want your #workforce to benefit from #corporatewellness trends without breaking the bank (& a huge sweat)?
— CareerBuilder (@CBforEmployers) March 15, 2014
#2: GIY (Grow It Yourself) posted a cool article about growing food at work to promote wellness. Google, Yahoo and Diageo have all embraced this trend!
Grow food at work? Pioneering employee wellness initiative from GIY for @grow hq
— GIY (@giyireland) March 27, 2014
#3: OfficeVibe posted a shocking article about the long-term effects of sitting at your desk and offers a few ways to move more at work.
"People who sit for the majority of their day have a 54% greater risk of dying from a heart attack."
— Officevibe (@Officevibe) March 27, 2014
#4: BlueCross BlueShield Michigan showed us three ways to create a healthier office space, including the optimal desk and chair height for your neck.
Three ways to create a healthier office space (that don't require you to buy a treadmill desk) #workplacewellness
— BCBSM (@BCBSM) March 14, 2014
Did you know? We discovered that poor employee health isn't just personal, it can lead to $1,900 to $2,250 in lost revenue per employee per year.
Did you know that poor employee health can lead to $1,900 in lost revenue per employee each year? #EmployeeWellness
— Survey Analytics (@surveyanalytics) April 2, 2014
How is your company approaching employee wellness? We would love to hear your ideas, insights, or any experience you have had. Leave a comment or Tweet us @SurveyAnalytics
Think those approaches must be very effective! Recommend to read this article also to deepen your knowledge of this subject.