Today's Feature Spotlight is highlighting the mobile supported survey question types and logic in Survey Analytics. When sending surveys, it is important to double check and make sure you are using the right question types for optimal display across all platforms. Some of the popularly used survey question types on the web do not display properly in the mobile environment. The user experience on mobile is very different from traditional and still commonly used online based surveys. All surveys that work in web browsers will work in a mobile browser - but ask if it will be a user friendly mobile experience before sending out your next survey. A 2013 study from Greenbook released that 19% of all online surveys are taken from mobile devices. One of our clients, Sponge it, has reported that nearly 60% of their overall survey responses came from mobile devices in 2013.
The photo above shows an image of how a star rating survey question displays in a mobile browser, through a mobile application, and on a desktop/laptop. This interactive question type displays friendly across the board on all devices. Continue reading to see all of the question types that are mobile supported in the Survey Analytics Enterprise Research Platform.
Standard supported mobile question types in the Survey Analytics platform include multiple choice (select one or multi-select). Open ended text questions such as comment boxes, single row text, numeric freeform, and e-mail address are also mobile supported. Multi point scale question types like the star rating we earlier highlighted and in addition graphical slider scales, presentation headings and presentation text are also mobile supported. Other miscellaneous survey question types that are mobile supported include image rank ordering, constant sum, date and time stamps, and contact information capture.
For the saavy researcher wanting to conduct complex research projects across online and mobile platforms, we support many add on modules to make this happen. Our conjoint analysis max diff (d-optimal) question type is mobile supported. Image type questions that are mobile supported include image chooser (select one or multiple), image ranking and ratings. We offer smiley rating question types that are mobile supported, as well as thumbs up or thumbs down. For mobile only projects we have options such as barcode scanning, stopwatch, and QR codes respondents can easily scan to specify their like or dislike. Our panel management software supports mobile panel recruitment, RSS news feeds, member profile capture, and mobile diaries.
Our logic capabilities are powerful and we offer a broad range of options across online and mobile platforms. Custom branching, skip logic, dynamic text, piping, custom variables and scoring logic are also mobile supported. From mobile devices we can use GPS to capture the location surveys are being taken. We also can measure the total time taken for each survey to be completed regardless of if its online or mobile.
If you are interested in trying out our platform for yourself to see our powerful mobile capabilities, you can sign up for a free 7 day trial of Survey Analytics here. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or would like to see any of our mobile supported features and survey question types in action.
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