In Survey Analytics, data segmentation is simple. Today's feature spotlight demonstrates how you can save hours of time when drilling down and performing data segmentation right in your account. Traditional and still very common ways of segmenting data require you to export it and perform a series of very time consuming filters in Excel with a .csv file. Our data segmentation tool not only makes it simple to set data filters, but it is simple to export the data you need into raw data, Excel, Word or PowerPoint formats. You can also view the filtered results in interactive real-time summaries or custom dashboard views. Data filters in Survey Analytics range from from time based criteria, custom variables/system variables, geolocation, language, e-mail list and more. The data filters can also be refreshed and in real time will show the updated information.
Data Segmentation Helps Face the Following Challenges:
- Understand your survey response sources
- Define market segmentation
- Draw more accurate conclusions
- Combine multiple surveys into one
- Filter data quickly and painlessly
- Deliver targeted solutions and communication
Another popular method for defining a data source is by running cross tabulations. You may be asking yourself - what's the difference between data segmentation and running cross tabulations? In cross tabs you are only looking at specific questions from specific sources of answers (i.e. display answers from x value in question x only -or display answers from people age 30 and under as answered in question number two). Cross tabulations are simple and fast but are not designed for filtering multiple data sources. Data segmentation is much more powerful and customizable showing you only the data you specify (i.e. you can see data that comes from x location at x time with x value defined - or display answers from California between 12PM - 4PM PST on this date from people that are under 30 as answered in question number two and make over 50K salary annually as answered in question number three). Watch a short video tutorial of how you can segment your data presented by Survey Analytics VP of Client Services Esther LaVielle below:

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