Enough with our faces and the traditional business headshots - it's time for you to meet the adorable
dogs of Survey Analytics that keep our stress levels down as we are working hard to provide our dedicated and great service through a very busy time of the year. Last Friday afternoon - we had an update with our very dedicated and talented Tech Leader Shrikant Shinde who works in the Pune, India Survey Analytics Development Center via
GoToMeeting. Shrikant had stayed up very late on a Friday night to meet with all of us. We all turned on our cameras briefly to spend some quality time with our very talented developer and showed him all of the pet dogs of the Survey Analytics family. We loved his reaction to us all having pets working alongside us.
It was nice to show the very unique corporate culture at Survey Analytics in the US to Shrikant. He is going to be briefly visiting us for the first time and coming to our Holiday Party. Survey Analytics Chief Growth Officer John Johnson captured a screenshot of all of the dogs on screen in our GoToMeeting and we shared it. GoToMeeting even gave us a shoutout back and shared the picture to their very large base of followers on Twitter. It was nice to see engagement from people and brands we normally wouldn't simply because we have a common ground for loving our pets.
Meet The Dogs of Survey Analytics in Cincinnati, OH and Seattle, WA
Cooper LaVielle loves Survey Analytics and hangs in Portland with VP of Client Services Esther LaVielle |
Senior Software Consultant Nicole Price presents Dutchess Price |
Software Consultant Nick Ruck brings his dog to the Cincinnati office very often! We <3 Mick Ruck |
CEO Andrew Jeavons and his dog Nicky |
Software Consultant Anthony Pavel shows off Sampson and Bruno Pavel |
Software Sales Manager Gretchen Lohman presents Harley Bean Lohman |
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