Information Overload: How Do We Know What's Really Important Anymore?
Tip #1 Make it Easy to See What's Happening Right Now
Have a Unified Dashboard that Incorporates Real Time Data
Be confident and know what matters by seeing data in real time relevant to what you are currently working on. Having your data consolidated in one platform guides you to attracting new customers, turning more opportunities into revenue, ongoing innovation and retaining happy employees. There are easy to use unified tools available today to manage your data and even incorporate API Access or CRM Integration so you can see how people are responding and get to know your customers better.
Enterprise Feedback Management with Access to Real Time Data
Tip #2 Get Feedback Quickly When You Need It
Conducting Short and To the Point Micro Surveys
Micro Surveys are quickly evolving to gain little bits of data from a specific target. For those who are constantly moving quickly, micro surveys are very manageable and will not take up much time in your schedule. They take much less time to setup, and micro surveys are likely to get much higher respondent numbers. Unlike traditional surveys that are often sent well after the fact and difficult to get a high response rate, micro surveys are in the moment and respondents are likely to respond especially if they are only one or two quick questions. Using open ended text questions can help you learn a lot from your website visitors or users of your software or service. There are multiple ways to deliver micro surveys and we would like to highlight how powerful a plain old traditional e-mail can be. Users are more likely to respond when they do not have to click on a link. Other ways to capture information using micro surveys include incorporating a Feedback tab onto the side of your website, or by having a "drop-in" survey on your website after a certain amount of time that targets new visitors only.
Website Intercept Micro Surveys are Simple!
Tip #3 Making it Easy to See, Understand and Share Data With Others
Having Visually Friendly Data and Analytics On the Go
Instead of "More Data," managers should evaluate "What Data" is helping the business. More data or different data may not be the answer, but just a change in the approach of how you view data can help you leverage insights. There are mobile data tools that allow you to easily group and segment your data and share your results in just one tap on a screen. Using a tablet or smartphone to view your data in a visual friendly format that you can relate to may open your eyes to what you've been missing the whole time. You can have your own company branded data visualization app to easily share or export specific data with your colleagues or with your following on social media channels.
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