Demonstration of Survey Analytics Software

Recently Survey Analytics Senior Software Consultant Nicole Price conducted a webinar where she demonstrated the many awesome features of the Survey Analytics Enterprise Research Platform. This has proven to be among our more popular webinars. You can listen to and watch the webinar over on our YouTube Channel. And here we present the full text of the webinar.

Thank you all for taking time to join us today for the webinar. I'm going to first show you a brief PowerPoint. Survey Analytics started in 2002 in Seattle. We specialize in online, mobile surveys, panel, conjoint analysis, crowdsourcing, sample, gamification, and more.

Nicole Price
Nicole Price Senior Software Consultant 

So one of our first slides, I'm going to show you our preview for SurveySwipe. SurveySwipe is a real-time feedback tool. It allows you to do mobile surveys, mobile panels. It allows you to push surveys in real time using geolocation.

We have SurveyPocket. This allows you to do surveys anytime, anywhere, online or offline. It is, again, integrated with our Survey Analytics platform. I like to think that Survey Analytics is the best access point for all of our mobile applications.

We're also introducing LifeMetrix. LifeMetrix gives you an unprecedented vision into your consumer's daily life. It collects moment by moment data from their mobile devices.

And then we have our SecondPrism application which allows you to look at the data that you've collected on the go. You can share this with your internal teams or external teams. It's an app that you simply download to your smartphone or iPad to enable yourself to have a quick view. So now onto the demonstration.

OK. So I have logged in to my Survey Analytics account. Survey Analytics online software is designed to meet the needs of the most complex ongoing market research projects. We do try to keep the software very simple yet robust. We offer a variety of features. And I'm going to try to give you a high-level overview of those features today.


When you log in, you're always going to be presented with a survey page. This is where you'll set up your surveys. You can add folders for each of your surveys. A lot of clients like to use this to set up folders for each of their individual clients. It makes organization much easier.

You can also have global survey. Global surveys are surveys that you can share with other members of your team that have a Survey Analytics account. I do want to mention that we offer a video tour over here on the right side. If you click on that, it does bring up a little video for you to watch that will also give you an overview of the software.

So when setting up a new survey, you can choose the Create a New Survey tab. You then have three options here. You can copy a survey template. These are surveys that we already have set up. It makes for very easy deployment. You can go and change the surveys to be more specific to you or your client's needs.

You can create a survey from scratch. This is where you're going to go in and manually add all the information needed for your survey. Or we do offer the convenience of importing a Word document. When importing a Word document, you will be required to format in a specific way. You can find that information for the formatting from your account manager, or by clicking on these handy little question marks in a bubble which will always bring up our help menu to assist you.

So if I click on that, it's automatically going to launch our Help page. The Help page will have some basic information on how to do the import. They're going to show you some screenshots to make things a little easier.

And if we keep scrolling down, you'll see that sometimes there are comments or helpful information put in by other clients or teammates. And some of our help files even have videos with them where you can click on the video, and then one of our account managers will walk you through the process in video format.

Once you've decided which option best suits your needs, you're going to click the continue button. Now the wizard's going to walk you through all the requirements to set up the survey. You'll need to determine your survey name. You can determine what folder you would like the survey to be set in. And don't get too hung up on the folder. We can always move the survey later.

So then I'm going to choose Next. And we'll move up to the Layout option. The layout's going to be the theme of the survey that we send out to our clients. So if I click through, you'll see that there are a few options here. You'll also have the ability to customize that layout leader when we get into the Edit Survey.

If I want to set my social media now, I can choose Next. Or I can hit the Finish tab, which is going to go ahead and launch the survey and allow me to start editing it. We'll go ahead and choose next. This is where I can enable to connect with Facebook. So if I choose to allow my participants to connect with their Facebook directly from the survey, I can toggle the box. And then when I hit finish, it's automatically going to create that survey for me.

I'm going to click back to the survey tab for one minute just to show you. Because I left this survey in my Webinar folder. It's now presented there. Now I do have the ability, if I move over to Options, to mote that survey, rename it, or copy it.

Copy is, I think, a great option. What it allows you to do is take an existing survey, copy it, so that you're not starting from scratch. So if you have a similar project coming up, why not take advantage of what we already have set up? You also have the ability to delete the survey as well.

So I've set up a webinar survey here. So we'll go ahead and select that. And it's going to move us over to the Edit Survey tab. The Edit Survey tab is where you're going to spend the majority of your time. We're going to set your survey up here, add your questions, view all of the logic that you need. So you'll be very familiar with this tab once you start using it.

This is our survey link. You do have the ability to customize the link. So if I click on Customize, I can now add a description to my survey. I want mine to say Webinar for So I can check and see. As you can see, that's now updated.

These are the social networks that we're integrated with, so your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and all the usual suspects are there. You'll see a few more options here at the top. We can add our own header and logo to the survey. So I've added in our Survey Analytics logo. You can also put in header information here.

You can store the images here in Survey Analytics. Or you can upload them from an external file. So if I choose Save Changes, it's going to update the look and feel of my survey.

Again, we do have the opportunity to update the theme. You'll see that I originally went with this red capital option. But maybe I think the red is a little too harsh for my survey. So I go down and choose Ocean. So it's a more subdued gray and blue. I'm going to choose Save the Changes. My screen's going to refresh. And then the new look and feel is going to be represented.

You have the ability to view all questions at one time, five questions per page. So there are options here on what you see on the page and how you see it. Whatever works best for you. I think everyone's a little different there.

You have more options. You can print the survey. You can download it to Microsoft Word, or Adobe PDF, or into HTML. We offer a usability review as well. This is generally going to be done by your account manager. And if you're really interested in a usability review, please feel free to send a message or reach out to us. We'd love to discuss that with you in more detail.

For the first part here I have set up a little introduction to my survey. And if I wanted to edit that, maybe I get feedback from the client that they don't like the format or the text that I used. I can easily edit anything by choosing the Edit. When my display text comes up, I can go in and quickly make changes here.

You can force the participants to agree to a terms of acceptance check box. Or you can remove that. It's completely up to you and what you require. You're going to have a few other options here in the Edit. You're going to have Settings. So you'll have to the default, the text type. You can do default heading, sub-heading, and again the check box for "agree" is there as an option.

You'll have Display settings. This allows you to put in a YouTube video. So if you wanted the participants to view maybe a speech by your president, your company president, you can embed that here. You can also add instructions in headers for the participants to use. And then under Tips, you can give tips that will help the participants with the questions, or add in more help text.

You're going to have the ability to add or update your logic for your questions by simply toggling the Add/Update Logic button. Again, the Setup Logic Wizard is going to pop up and the type of logic that's available for that question type will be presented. So the current logic for this is Branching and Skip Logic, the Compound Delayed Branching, and Show/Hide Question Logic.

And then under More, we'll see that you can, again, alter the settings. You can choose the analytic display options. You can copy this specific question. So if you want to copy and then move it down the survey and add a similar question type, it just makes the work a little less laborious to do it that way.

You can reorder the questions. Or you can preview that specific question and how it's going to appear to your participant. This is exactly how the participants will see the question when they open the survey. Our header is in place exactly as I added it. And then I can check the text to make sure it meets my client's needs.

So let's get into adding our questions. We have a little wizard in place. So when you click on Add New Questions, you're going to be presented with our question types. We do offer over 50 questions types. And they're broken out into different sets.

So we have our standard question types. This is going to be our multiple choice, our open-end text, matrix tables. They're the very basic question types that we're all accustomed to using on a regular basis.

If you're not sure how a question is going to present to your participants, you can click on that question. And it's going to show you an example of what that would look like to them.

So here we see our multi point scale questions. And then we do have a date and time, contact information-- and all these are editable. So if maybe you want the contact information but you really don't need all of this information, it's not married to that layout. You will have the ability to edit it and remove the fields that aren't going to be important to you.

If we move down to advanced question type, we're going to see the first question type that comes up is going to be our side by side matrix. It will also gives us the ability to add some logic. So we can add a randomizer, randomizing the questions as they're presented to the participant.

We can do reference-validated data or dynamic look-up tables. We also have this ability to allow the participants to attach or upload a file. This has been a great tool for our clients who are using our mobile surveys. It allows them to have participants take a photo or maybe a video clip of what they're doing, and load that back in for review later. It's worked really well and it's been an exciting addition. We also offer Net Promoter Score.

We'll move on down to our add-on module. And also this is where you're going to find your conjoint. Here's an example of the conjoint MaxDiff question type. We also offer conjoint discrete choice. That'll take a second to render there.

Conjoint is quite popular with the majority of our clients. It's actually been a huge draw for new clients. So here you can see the conjoint discrete choice. You do have the ability to add images to your conjoint questions as well. So rather than just putting the text on there, you can actually show them images of the product. I really think images really draw clients in and make them feel more engaged than being forced to read an overabundance of text.

Again, as far as images go, we do offer image chooser, question types that allow you to put your images in. And this, you can see, is for credit cards. Again, so the text is there with the image.

And I'm going to move down. And I did want to share with a couple of the mobile question types we've added. We did add in the sm smiley question type that people seem to really like, the images of thumbs up or smiley faces have already gone over well with participants. And then you'll see that we do have other complex grid flex matrix question types. And then there's some integration with our micro-panel, which is our integrated panel management tool.

Another tool that I think is a great resource is our library. This allows you to save questions or surveys and then use them in other questions and surveys. So we're not constantly recreating the wheel. We're able to get back and just pull the relevant questions out and move them over to the survey that we're currently working on.

Again, I'm pretty lazy. I hate to say that. But I like to use the resources I have available. And I think most people do as well. So again, you would pick the survey you want to pull from. The questions would come up. And you can basically pull those question over quickly, edit them, and add them to your existing survey.

Again, with any of the questions, you can go in and edit them. So if I wanted to going to go in and change this question text, or add in the mailing address, I can do that. And then once I choose Save Question, it's automatically going to update. And those changes are going to be visible to me right from the software.

Here's another exciting question type I forgot to mention, was the stars. In allows your client to set a star rating for your product, website, or any other things that you think that that would be a good fit for. So once I have my survey completely set up, I want to preview that survey and make sure that it makes sense going through, that there's no errors or issues.

So in this top right corner, I'm going to hit the preview button. And again, I see my welcome screen that gives our basic instructions for this survey. When I choose Continue, I'm then going to be presented with the rest of my questions.

So my contact information question is going to show first. And I did not separate these into separate pages. You have the ability to do that. I just kept all of my questions on one page for this. So then they can go through and answer the questions.

You'll want to make sure all of your logic is working properly prior to send your survey out. And then I choose Continue. I put in this thank you for completing this survey page. You do have options on how to the survey completion page looks. You can do an automatic redirect to your website. And all that can be done right here in our Finish Options.

So on the left we're going to see our menu that allows us to update or make changes to our survey. So if I click on this Finish option, I'm going to have the ability to determine what my participants see when completing this survey. So at this point, I had it set to None. I can set up a "thank you" page with a link. You can do that automatic redirect. If we want to send them back to our website, to a client's website. Maybe I want to redirect them to my micro-panel site where they can join my panel group.

You can allow them to forward this to a friend. You can add a spotlight report. This allows the respondents to compare their overall results. So it basically gives them a summary of how other people have responded to that survey, which a lot of people like. Again, they feel more involved when they're able to see the results.

I'm going to pop back up under Edit Survey. And we do offer display options here. Again, we're going to give you the ability to customize your theme. You can change your font type, which is definitely something people like to do. I know some companies I've worked at are married to a specific font and will require to use it with all documents. So you do have some flexibility here.

You can edit the font size. So maybe your client wants it to be in a much larger font because they're going to be targeting an older client base. You can edit that.

You can edit the navigation buttons and toolbars. So rather than saying continue, you would like to say next, then you can edit that here. You can enable an exit survey button and enable a back button. So if you want the participant to be able to go to the previous question and change their response, you can allow them to do that here. And again, our social network toolbar here. If you toggle this, it's going to enable that social network toolbar at the bottom of your survey.

Our software is multilingual. So if you wanted to have the survey available in five different languages, you would have the ability to add and edit the language versions here. You could then go in and choose the language of choice. It does not auto-translate. I'm going to go ahead and [INAUDIBLE] the survey. It just allows you to change the survey default language, so that if I did have it translated into Arabic, it would present that way for the participant.

You can add a validation message. So if you wanted to make a question mandatory, then you would add validation to that. They would then see a message saying "all questions marked with the asterisk are required."

Interactive Survey Tools allows the survey to move to the next page without someone hitting the Continue button. So it allows the survey to move much more smoother and quickly. Global Options allows you to do a change to the integral serving at one time rather than going through and doing the edit. You can also check you logic here and verify that everything's working properly.

Under Survey Control we're going to offer our security options. We can have survey authentication. What that allows you to do is set a global password protect, or an email password, which is very popular when doing internal surveys for corporate. They want to make sure that it's the proper person answering, so maybe they set a user name and password or participant ID. You have the ability to quickly and easily do that here.

We do offer SSL security. Again, if you're not sure what SSL security is, or any of the other options, go ahead and click on the help file. Again, the help file is going to give you great information. If you need additional information, again you can reach out to your account manager.

So you can see here that the SSL security is checked. So the surveys are automatically encoded. The industry standard encryption technology is in place. So that adds another layer of security to your user data that you're collecting.

You can set unique respondent enabling or disabling. This is going to prevent ballot box stuffing. You simple toggle the box and that is now set in place.

Save and Continue has been quite popular with our clients who are using longer surveys. It allows them to save the survey where they're at. They then get an email with a link that actually opens exactly where they left off and allows them to complete the survey.

We offer quota control. So if you want to set a close date or response quota, you'll have the ability to do that here. And we also offer a countdown timer. So if you only want participants to have three minutes to reply to the survey, you'll have the ability to set that as well.

Again, we already took a look at our Finish option. We have email notification. Enable a Thank You email allows you to send an email to the participant thanking them for their participation. And then we have these action alerts, which I find quite desirable. Action alerts allow you to be made aware when a client answers a question.

Maybe it's a customer satisfaction survey and I want to know if they answer in a very negative way. I want to be made aware today. Not in three days, when the survey closes, but now, so that I can act on that, and they can know that we take their response seriously. I can set an action alert here that will alert me of any negative response that comes through. So we find that to be a really helpful tool.

Other survey options are going to appear in images and multimedia. As I stated, you can save your images here in Survey Analytics and use them. Or you can upload them from external files. But as you can see here, I put in images of products that I've used in a conjoint survey. And then I can just pull them directly from here.

We do offer SalesForce integration. If you're currently a SalesForce client and you want your survey pages to be directly connected to your SalesForce account, you can do that here. You just simply need your user name, password, and security token.

And last but not least is our rapid feedback option. Global rapid feedback code is presented here. Basically that's going to be your QR code. It allows you to set up custom read feedback codes and then export them and use them out in the field. Again, that's been really popular with our SurveyPocket application that allows offline and online surveys, and also our SurveySwipe mobile application.

Let's hop on over to our options when we're sending our survey out. Survey link, again, is the survey link that I set in place. I can toggle any of the social network options here. It's then going to redirect back to my Facebook account.

I can then share this link with my Facebook users. So if I wanted to share this link with my friends and I wanted their feedback, then I would have the ability to do that. This has been popular with some of our corporate clients that have a Facebook page and went to engage their consumers on there.

We do send email invitations out directly from the Survey Analytics software. If I click on Send Email Invitation, I can upload it directly from here. I can select the subject and also make this message specific to my client.

You can set a website intercept. This is going to allow you to set a pop-up on your website, where the participant needs to be logged in or moved to a specific page, that survey pops up and they're able to participate. You can quickly and easily add these in using these HTML codes. And you can see that we do offer a few options here. We do have the Feedback tab. We have the webinar survey, which would just appear the survey, or a simple website pup-up.

Here's where you can create new survey invitations. You can make these invitations very specific to that product or that client base. And they can be stored here for future use. You will also have the ability to manage your email list within Survey Analytics. So if you wanted to set up multiple email lists for specific clients, or maybe you have a segmentation sectioned out by age, gender, and you wanted that list stored here to use for your surveys moving forward, you could do that.

When creating a new email list, you will enter the name of the email list. And then when I click on these advanced options, it's going to allow me to code this and then choose the type. So if I want it to be a global list which is available to all of my surveys, or only available for this specific survey, you'll have that choice here as well. You can do a mass upload from an Excel file. So we're not expecting you to type each email address in individually.

On Sent Items you're going to have the ability to track the surveys that you've sent out. So here I see my batch ID. I see the time stamp for the survey. I see what email group this survey was sent to. And then I can see that initially I had sent out three. And when I click on this, I can actually see who the survey was sent to. It provides their email address, their current status as far as if they've taken the survey or not, the time stamp of when they participated, and then their respondent ID.

And you'll see that we have an area here for custom fields. Custom fields are fields that I could have put in on the front end that provide more details about these participants. And we can then later use them in our recording functionality. Again, the website intercept, we already looked at, but that is where it's going to give you the exact HTML code.

All these surveys can also be deployed directly to our mobile application. Let me move this out of the way. I have my simulator up so that you can see SurveyPocket, again, is our application that is used on iPads. Also can be used o iPhones, Androids. It allows you to do surveys online and offline. It's been very popular with people at conferences, or if they're going to be out in public where there's spotty Wi-Fi, we're going to allow them to do that collection without having to do any data entry, which is huge.

And then SurveySwipe is our mobile application where you have people join your panel. And then you are able to push surveys out to them using geolocation tracking, or just schedule surveys and push them out to participants. And that's loading right now. And let me go ahead and make that a little larger so everyone can see it.

On the SurveySwipe tool, you'll have the ability to put your logo in, so when your clients know when they open it, that the surveys are from you directly. It's going to show the available surveys gain. And now it's showing the completed surveys here. But all of this is customizable.

You could allow them to see or update their profile here in the bottom tab. So you can see their information or have them add additional information as they're going along. You can kind of communities within your field. Your community can be private or public.

And then on to your rewards page. So then I can incentivize the participants of my surveys. What this allows them to do is see where they are point-wise, and what number of points they need to actually cash in for an incentive. Again, all of this customizable. I can remove these tabs or add other tabs in. But again, an exciting way that people are sending surveys out and getting their clients more engaged.

And looks like our simulator is a bit dead on SurveyPocket. I apologize for that. But let's go ahead and pop right back into Survey Analytics. And we'll take a look at the Reports tab.

So when the reports have come up, we're going to click Receive the Report link, which either you have the ability to share internally or externally with interested parties. I can see how many people viewed my survey, started and completed it. And then down under, you will see a quick view of how people responded to the questions. And again, If I wanted to share one specific question over another, I can share this link, which will directly be related to that question.

We can also go over to reports and we can see our real-time summary. Real-time summary is going to allow you, again, you view the information. So now this has been viewed by nine people, started by eight, and completed by six. So as we've been in this webinar, people actually logged into this survey and completed it.

It says Update in Real Time, so you're able to track this throughout the day or throughout the week, if that's how long your survey's running. It's going to say my completion rate is 75%. I had two dropouts after starting. And the average time to complete the survey was 50 seconds.

So when I scroll down I can actually see how often use our products. Three people said "always." And when I click on that three, it's actually going to bring me to our response viewer down here under Data Management. So I'm able to see which respondents actually said "yeah." It shows me the respondent ID, the IP address, the date and time stamp, also the respondent email, country code and region.

So if I click on their respondent ID, I'm going to get a little more drill down. It's actually going to bring up the information specific to that one participant. So again, all those response details, the integration types are custom variable that I could have put in on the front end.

It's going to show me their geocoding, and then their absolutely information on how they responded to the survey. And it actually lets me view exactly how he answered all the questions. I can pop back to my real-time survey.

From here, I'm also-- if I click on the 50%, it actually tells me the margin of error. And then under, you're going to see that it offers me confidence interval, standard deviation, and standard error of the specific question. If I scroll down, I can also see my website information.

And then if I click on the-- I'm going to call it a cog. I'm not sure what the actual term is. But for this little doodad over here on the right corner, it's going to allow me to see the Custom Analysis Options. So I can do you some custom scales. I can download this data for this question to Excel. I can download trend data if it's available. I can create a banner table or cross segment directly from this area. Or I can add this to a dashboard.

Dashboard accounts are accounts that we set up for the clients to view the data but not be able to make any changes to the survey directly. They're really quite popular for our client who have external clients who want to view the data, see it in real time as it's being collected, but they don't want that client to be able to make any changes that are going to stick or be a hindrance to the actual survey. So it allows them to go in and view, and do their own back-end reporting without affecting anything that the analyst is doing.

You can filter the results. So we can filter by started but not completed, completed, and then terminated via branching. We have a few more options up here as well. You have the ability to download, the ability to print or email. You can share the link. And then you'll see that there's the option for permalink, and then for individual responses as well.

Let's go ahead and move down to our participant statistics. So this is going to give us a view of our overall participant statistics. Again, the views-- started and completed. If you click on these, again it's going to give you that response viewer information. You can see our completion rates and the drop outs.

So currently my delivery status-- 100% of them were delivered. I did not set to send out reminders, but you can do that. And then you can see any segmentation participants, which I have not set up yet.

Our open-end text will be viewed here under open-end text. Again, you'll be able to see the date, the respondent ID, and the actual text that they put in place. You do have the ability to export the data from Survey Analytics in a variety of ways. You can export the raw data to Microsoft Excel or CSV. You do have options whether to include the open-end text and the raw data. And then under the report options, you can include the analytics and statistical calculations, or remove the statistical calculations based on your needs.

You can display your answer values and codes instead of text. And you have some filters here. So if you wanted to filter based on the period of time-- maybe we only want the last two days, not the entire ten days-- you can filter that here and run a report that suits your needs.

You can export the charts in analytics. That's going to be our real-time summary. That can be exported to PowerPoint, Word, and Excel. And you do have options as far as the template that you want to use. We have our Survey Analytics blue, which is always the default. Or you can come down and choose one of the other Microsoft options that best suits your needs. And again, you're going to have a time and response filter here as well.

Some of our newer options are the ability to export to a cloud, to Google documents, or to Dropbox. We also offer you the ability to export that package to SPSS or to a SQL import data file. We do offer online tools so you'll have the ability to create your cross-tabulation reports right here in Survey Analytics. You can also work with your Banner/Pivot Tables here as well, which has been a great tool for me in the past. And I really think there's a huge value in both these type of tools.

Customize report-- generally our account manager is sort of fishy with this, but it allows you to customize the report to gain the information that you need. We also offer word clouds, which have been very popular as well, and are a great addition to the software. Word cloud is going to take your open-end data and quickly put it into a visual that you can share. And as you can see, this one is just first names.

Let's pop on down to our advanced analysis we have for data segmentation. Now you're going to be able to set a data filter. you can choose the segmentation type. So you would name it and then determine, do I want to see my responses to the survey? Those custom variables that I put it on the front end, maybe that's demographic information that I want use to segment on the back end. Or you can use time-based criteria as well.

Once your segment's in place, you just choose Report Options. And you can see the summary report or a text report. We also offer trend analysis, which I think is another great tool. What this allows you to do is if you have a continuous running survey, you can measure the trends and the data over time. Trend analysis is basically calculating and comparing results of the survey. I know a lot of clients I used to work for did month-to-month trackers. This was a great tool for them.

So down here we have our data management options. This gives you the ability to search within the collected data, and to chose a random winner, which again worked really well with SurveyPocket. We used it at conferences ourselves. When giving away iPads, we would use the random winner so that it was the system's. There was no human error involved, or nepotism.

The Response Viewer is where we were directed before. So we're back here again. This again is going to provide for you the respondent ID and all other relevant information to the people that participated. You do have the ability to delete selected responses. Just be sure once you do it, you mean to do it. Or you just leave it.

Another great option is the Report or Data Scheduler. What this allows you to do is go to reports to run so that you're not constantly coming in and having to manually run them yourself. You can also share these reports. So you would name the report, determine which report you want to be run, maybe you want to get a daily update of the log out in Analytics.

So you would set that up. It can go daily or weekly. You can set the day. The time is already set. That's our standard. It's not able to changed. Again, you can choose the data window that you want to see. You can add additional filters and then choose what delivery mode you want the report to be sent in.

Let's go ahead and move over to our Mobile tab. This is where you will set up all of your SurveyPocket device registration. It's going to provide your user name and password for your SurveyPocket application. Again, you can determine what folder the iPad is able to access so that not all surveys are available, only the ones that are going to be needed.

Over here we also have our SecondPrism app registration. And also where you would set up your location surveys for SurveySwipe. So if you are setting up geolocation-based surveys, you would come here to put those locations in.

Moving along to our Integration tab. Again, we're going to see our website intercept options here. We want to give you multiple places to pool that data. We're now going to go ahead and move down to Web Analytics. This is where you can use your Google Analytics account, integrate it with our Survey Analytics platform. We also offer Omniture/Site Catalyst integration. And it's so simple. You simply toggle the Enable Google Analytics option and put your account information in. I don't think it can be much simpler than that.

Import Data is going to give you the ability to import external data into your survey. We do offer translation service through a partner of ours. So if you did want to get a survey translated, we could put you in contact with them and they could assist you with that process. And then load that translated version back into our software.

In Sample Management, you're going to see the ability to do quota controls, so custom quota configurations available here. And then down below we're going to offer ATI data flow. So if you are interested in ATI connectivity, Survey Analytics does offer that type of integration.

So let's pop on over to our Analytics tab. I'm a little long-winded. I'm going a bit longer than I meant to. I apologize. Again, under analytics, you're going to see the ability to set up your Banner/Pivot Tables. We do offer weighting and balancing. I'm not seeing as many customers use this as I used to. But we know that it's still important to some people to be able to go in and set up the specific weight for the response. And you have the ability to quickly and easily do that here.

Data Visualizer, again, is going to give you the summary that you see on our Report Page as well. You can export reports. And then I want to make sure I show you the choice modeling for our conjoint analysis. You're going to note that that's not under the report tab. Any time we want to look at the conjoint, we have to move from the Analytics tab.

I do not have a discreet choice conjoint question in place so there's nothing there. But I do have a MaxDiff question in place. So let's take a look at that reporting. So here we're going to see a visual of how people responded to that question.

And it looks like MasterCard is going to be the champion. Then when I scroll down I can actually do a comparison. It looks like 20% of people prefer Visa. Or 40% of people thought that was their least likely. MasterCard was our overall winner for positive, and American Express our overall loser for negative.

You do have the ability to export this report. So if you wanted to share that information you would have the ability to do so. Under text analytics, this is a new tool for us. So it is something that we're currently working to add to the software. It's a really exciting area that I myself have worked with a lot in the past. And as that is coming about, we'll definitely send information out to interested parties and keep you updated.

It basically does machine clustering to allow you to look at certain areas of interest without having to go through and read each individual response. We also offer tag clouds. They're similar to our word clouds. But the tag cloud actually allows you to put in stop words, which I think makes a huge difference in the visual. We're able to take out the words that have no significance to us and really get to the meat of what we want to know about the responses.

Up here you just easily put in your soft words. I've only put in a few. But as we all know, this could be hundreds of stop words in here. And then you'll also have the ability to download these tag clouds as well

And last but not least, I do want move on to our panel option. Survey Analytics does offer an integrated micro-panel solution. So if you're interested in developing your own panel or moving to a panel that is integrated with your software, your survey software, this is, I think, a great option. It's very easy to use.

In the past, my college John Johnson has put on some webinar-- and they are still available and we can share them with you-- of how to set a panel up in 30 minutes, which in the past was completely unheard of. It's a very quick, easy tool to use. And again, our account managers are always there to assist in any way when you're building a panel or working to grow that panel.

So you simply creating the new panel. And again a wizard is going to pop up. We always have this in place to assist you with making this a painless process for you. Once you name the panel, put in your heading and URL, you are able to then go in and quickly setup that website, that recruitment page, and add all the things that are of interest to you.

And I do want to mention that we have added a couple options here which I think are fantastic. We've added the diary option, which is going to allow your participants to journal, which has been a big demand from some of our clients to actually have products used by clients for a week, and they want a daily update on how that person's doing. We also offer opportunity questions or discussion boards to really get that group working together and learning more about what they're doing and their thoughts and feelings.

That is a very high-level overview of the software.

Listen to and watch this webinar on our YouTube channel.
