Bert Willard had been using some of the free research tools out there, but not anymore. “You get what you pay for,” Willard said. “The free tools have an extraordinarily limited functionality that just doesn’t work for large organizations.”

A 20-year veteran of market research, Willard is Market Research Analyst for a large wholesale distributor headquartered in Virginia.
After a comprehensive evaluation process, Bert chose Survey Analytics’ Enterprise Research Platform. “I needed a tool to provide a secure online platform that gives me shortcuts in data cleaning and analytics. I didn’t want to keep manipulating data in Excel. I was able to justify the expenditure based on labor hours saved.”
Willard said insights professionals are wondering whether what they do will still be relevant in a few years. The best way, he said, to stay relevant is to use tools like Survey Analytics that connect you with the fast Web 2.0 way of doing things. Survey Analytics is its own system that allows him to avoid some of the slower processes inherent to a large organizational structure.
He added, “Survey Analytics allows me to operate at twice the speed of other suppliers, whether they are internal or external. I have a waiting list now for people who want to use it.”
Willard likes the advanced functionality of the back end. “It saved me time in my report building.” He says that storing surveys in the online platform makes it easy to access and edit them. And he can now combine existing secondary data in the system with primary data collected in surveys.
Willard says when it comes to Voice of the Customer research, Survey Analytics makes the information collected immediately actionable because certain responses can trigger action alert emails.
He added that “it’s not just for surveys. If you have a large organization with thousands of locations, and you’re holding an event for managers, you can use it to have them sign up and choose which activities they will sign up for, etc. It allows you to quickly, simply and easily collect the information you need.”
Willard says he likes that he can do most things on his own but that help is there when he needs it, both with help files and an account manager. “I’m the guy who doesn’t want to pay extra for lots of help, but John Johnson is always there when I need him.”
A 20-year veteran of market research, Willard is Market Research Analyst for a large wholesale distributor headquartered in Virginia.
After a comprehensive evaluation process, Bert chose Survey Analytics’ Enterprise Research Platform. “I needed a tool to provide a secure online platform that gives me shortcuts in data cleaning and analytics. I didn’t want to keep manipulating data in Excel. I was able to justify the expenditure based on labor hours saved.”
Willard said insights professionals are wondering whether what they do will still be relevant in a few years. The best way, he said, to stay relevant is to use tools like Survey Analytics that connect you with the fast Web 2.0 way of doing things. Survey Analytics is its own system that allows him to avoid some of the slower processes inherent to a large organizational structure.
He added, “Survey Analytics allows me to operate at twice the speed of other suppliers, whether they are internal or external. I have a waiting list now for people who want to use it.”
Willard likes the advanced functionality of the back end. “It saved me time in my report building.” He says that storing surveys in the online platform makes it easy to access and edit them. And he can now combine existing secondary data in the system with primary data collected in surveys.
Willard says when it comes to Voice of the Customer research, Survey Analytics makes the information collected immediately actionable because certain responses can trigger action alert emails.
He added that “it’s not just for surveys. If you have a large organization with thousands of locations, and you’re holding an event for managers, you can use it to have them sign up and choose which activities they will sign up for, etc. It allows you to quickly, simply and easily collect the information you need.”
Willard says he likes that he can do most things on his own but that help is there when he needs it, both with help files and an account manager. “I’m the guy who doesn’t want to pay extra for lots of help, but John Johnson is always there when I need him.”
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