Tony Fisher is using SurveyPocket in an innovative way to collect feedback.
The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance conducts economic impact studies, asking fans at cycling events, swim meets and more about how long they are staying in the area and how much money they are spending.

When field interviewers for CSTA use SurveyPocket to collect feedback, they don’t use iPads or Android tablets. Rather, they use iPod touch devices, one of the many mobile platforms supported by SurveyPocket.
Fisher felt it would be easier for interviewers to carry around iPod Touch devices than tablets. Furthermore, he figured to save money on shipping costs as he sends devices all around Canada for various events.
Tony has been working as the Director of Research at the CSTA since 2002. When the time came to renew the licenses on their existing mobile field system, he decided it was time to look around as the legacy system did not feature any kind of on-line surveying capacity and only worked on limited platforms such as Palm.
Fisher evaluated several options but quickly settled on SurveyPocket. “The clincher for me is the fact that it’s unlimited. I hate paying per response. The last thing you want to do is to tell survey interviewers to stop surveying because you don’t want to spend any more money.”
“It’s a great tool,” Fisher added, “and it deploys easily. I recently sent some devices out to field interviewers in British Columbia. I was able to push the surveys out to them, they collected the data, and they just sent the devices back.”
“I also like that SurveyPocket gives you access to an online survey tool,” he said. We have a triathlon coming up, and I’m going to send the athletes a survey online to complete when they’re ready. They tend to be busy when they’re racing.”
“For a swimming event coming up we’re going to give respondents two options; either our field interviewers survey you using iPod Touch, or you can scan a QR code on the score sheet and take the survey on your own mobile device.
The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance conducts economic impact studies, asking fans at cycling events, swim meets and more about how long they are staying in the area and how much money they are spending.
When field interviewers for CSTA use SurveyPocket to collect feedback, they don’t use iPads or Android tablets. Rather, they use iPod touch devices, one of the many mobile platforms supported by SurveyPocket.
Fisher felt it would be easier for interviewers to carry around iPod Touch devices than tablets. Furthermore, he figured to save money on shipping costs as he sends devices all around Canada for various events.
Fisher evaluated several options but quickly settled on SurveyPocket. “The clincher for me is the fact that it’s unlimited. I hate paying per response. The last thing you want to do is to tell survey interviewers to stop surveying because you don’t want to spend any more money.”
“It’s a great tool,” Fisher added, “and it deploys easily. I recently sent some devices out to field interviewers in British Columbia. I was able to push the surveys out to them, they collected the data, and they just sent the devices back.”
“I also like that SurveyPocket gives you access to an online survey tool,” he said. We have a triathlon coming up, and I’m going to send the athletes a survey online to complete when they’re ready. They tend to be busy when they’re racing.”
“For a swimming event coming up we’re going to give respondents two options; either our field interviewers survey you using iPod Touch, or you can scan a QR code on the score sheet and take the survey on your own mobile device.
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