Today's guest post comes from Michael DiFrisco (a.k.a. The Affordable Branding Guy" He's decided not to overwhelm us with too much information and instead, just layout the benefits of focusing on and targeting a specific audience.
Choosing a specific audience for your business is a powerful form of focus. Targeting means you reject the idea of believing the best way to build your business is by hitting every living person in your area. It allows you to focus on the specific customer or client types that are most desirable.
Here are some of the other benefits of targeting a specific core market:
Choosing a specific audience for your business is a powerful form of focus. Targeting means you reject the idea of believing the best way to build your business is by hitting every living person in your area. It allows you to focus on the specific customer or client types that are most desirable.
Here are some of the other benefits of targeting a specific core market:
- You’ll eliminate the bottom-feeders and those people who will simply not value what you offer
- You’ll have more effective marketing spending
- You can better focus your messaging—tailored to focus on their needs, not the needs of the entire universe
- It’s a better use of your time—more spent serving your best customers and less time spent pursuing low-value prospects
- You’ll build a stronger referral base—once you penetrate a target market and educate them on the value of working with you
Now -- get out there and start targeting!
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