Where does SurveySwipe rank in the App Store?

Building an iPhone app is difficult and time consuming. Getting noticed amongst 350,000 apps in the App Store is even more difficult. Over the last year we have been working hard to position SurveySwipe as one of the best apps that delivers on its promise to engage and reward research participants. If you have been paying attention, you will notice that we have built several foundations (hyper-local surveys, sharing survey responses, push notifications, branded mobile community, innovative reward distribution and more) to position ourselves as the market leader in mobile market research.

In return, we have steadily grown our use base and well wishers.  Today I want to sit back and celebrate the fact that SurveySwipe is now the third ranked iPhone business app. A job well done SurveySwipe team!


  1. Survery swipe is a wonderful app. This app can easily be ranked in the app store. People are trying to make such apps which can help people. I suggest you check essay writers australia and get more updates to manage their work. Survey analytics forum has been doing great job.


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