Maps are worth a thousand words...

Here is a great new way to get attention in SurveyAnalytics!

Working on the idea that a picture is worth a thousand words SurveyAnalytics has introduced a great new feature for respondents! Now you can use a set of predefined maps to ask location information of your respondents, for instance where they currently live or were born.  Using maps such as the one above is a great way to make a survey more interesting and engaging for a respondent.  The predefined maps currently cover the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Europe and the World with more being added all the while. By simply moving the mouse over the map respondents can indicate with a mouse click. Mouse over text (such as shown above) makes sure that they make the right choice by giving a longer name for the area the mouse is over. This new feature is available under available under the “Add on Modules” section, subheading “Image/Multimedia” “Maps”.

It is all as simple as point and click !

