November 16th, 2010
9:00 AM PST
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Branding has been around since the beginning of times as a means to differentiate products. Did you know that the term “brand” is derived from the old Norse word “brandr” which means “to burn” and used in the context of marking livestock to identify the owners. Branding in the marketing context occurs in the consumer minds and the “marks” not always come out as marketers intended, hence the need to implement brand tracking studies.
Questions we'll address in this webinar are:
1. What brand metrics should be tracked?
2. How often should a brand be tracked?
3. Who should be included in a brand tracking study?
4. How to interpret brand tracking metrics?
We will discuss aspects of the implementation of a brand tracking study and how they allow marketers to monitor the health of the brand and provide insights into the effectiveness of marketing programs implemented by the company.
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About the speaker:
Michaela Mora is the president of Relevant Insights, LLC (, and a seasoned market researcher with more than 20 years of experience in industries such online subscription services, software, entertainment, offline and online retailing, automotive, travel, hospitality, consumer packaged goods, non-profit, insurance, and beverage among others. Using an ever evolving toolbox which includes multivariate analysis techniques, conjoint analysis, MaxDiff, latent class segmentation, and TURF analysis among others, Michaela has been involved in many studies including brand tracking studies, concept testing, market segmentation, customer satisfaction, A&U, pricing research, copy testing, PR research and Web site optimization research. She helps clients with all aspects of a research project from design to field implementation, data analysis and reporting. Michaela holds a MS in Marketing Research from The University of Texas at Arlington, a MS in Marketing, Advertising and PR from Stockholm University, and a BS in Psychology from Havana University. She also holds a Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) at the Expert Level, issued by the Marketing Research Association (MRA).
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