Feature Enhancement: Text Analytics

We are pleased to announce the launch of our latest analytics module - Text Analysis/Tagging.
Text Analytics:

We've spent some time researching different options on analyzing open-ended text data within surveys. We've looked at integrating with other third-party vendors to do automatic "sentiment analysis" to a simple "tag cloud" - and after some user testing and research we've decided to a simple but effective tagging and categorization model. Here is how it works:

  • View all the comments (20 at a time)

  • Create dynamic "Tags" to represent sentiment

  • Quickly categorize your open-ended text - with minimal screen refreshes

  • Pie Charts to visualize the data.

With the Survey Analytics Enterprise Platform you can analyze text data. For this you can set up Text Categories. Go to:

* Login » Surveys » Analytics » Analytics Tabs » Text Analysis

Text Category can be set up on an Open Ended Text - Comments Box type question.

* Click on the Add New link for adding a new category.

* Enter in the name for the category.

* For the Text Response click on the Category Name to assign the category.
* Repeat the steps for each response

Once you have categorized all responses under the appropriate categories, you can view pie-chart reports for the categorized data.


  1. OH THANK YOU - thank you - thank you! I do surveys where respondents seem to think it's fun to write 200 word open ended responses :-)


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