With the SA-Mobile module, conducting real-time mall-intercepts is a breeze. With the iPad (3G or WiFI) enabled handled devices - you can conduct field surveys, mall intercepts in real-time. The custom SA-Mobile iPhone/iPad application allows you to setup a survey for data-collection in the real-world without sacrificing time.
- Real-Time Reporting
- Location Awareness - Automatic Segmentation
- Instant Feedback - Globally
- Off-The-Shelf Hardware - Apple iPhone/iPad
- Custom iPhone/iPad App
- Custom User Interface for handheld devices
Here is a video and help file:
The objective (from our standpoint) for the pilot would be:
- Validate that the solution that we are coming up with indeed is useful and adds value
- Find holes in the process/solution so we can go live with a bigger bang
- Put together a case study on advantages/cost savings/opportunity etc.
Some target uses:
- Personal mall intercept survey - Mall
intercept surveys are widely used and (theoretically) able to reach a
large segment of the population. In any given two-week period, about 2/3
of U.S. households shop one or more times at a mall. According to a
CASRO membership survey, about 25% of all marketing research and 64% of
personal interviews are conducted at malls. - Interview & on-site surveys - Rapidly
develop and deploy complex and multilingual surveys on a variety of
mobile devices. Interviewers engage people at the point of experience to
ensure that the insights collected are timely and accurate. - Post Class/Training Evaluation - Pass a
survey around for feedback on training sessions right after the session
Here is a quick video:
[vodpod id=Video.3459685&w=425&h=350&fv=%40videoPlayer%3D78953094001%26amp%3BplayerID%3D76485591001%26amp%3Bdomain%3Dembed%26amp%3BdynamicStreaming%3Dtrue]
We'd obviously offer this solution to you free of cost for the pilot phase. Our iPhone/iPad app is under the app review cycle with Apple and our expectation is that this will available for general download/install in the next 2 weeks.
If you'd like to participate in the pilot - and have a project in mind in the next 2-6 weeks please feel free to get in touch with me. My contact info is below:
vivek [dot] bhaskaran [at] surveyanalytics.com
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