Mall Intercept - Field Surveys using the iPad/iPhone

We are in the middle of launching a new module to our enterprise platform on Survey Analytics - iPad / iPhone enabled surveys. We are right now looking to do a pilot/beta with someone to test out our iPad solution for field surveys. Our objective is to elimiate the clipboard! We are already in the process of conducting some pilot projects with a couple of key clients - and we would like to open this up to a larger group. If you are interested in being part of a beta/pilot project for this, please contact me - contact info below.

With the SA-Mobile module, conducting real-time mall-intercepts is a breeze. With the iPad (3G or WiFI) enabled handled devices - you can conduct field surveys, mall intercepts in real-time. The custom SA-Mobile iPhone/iPad application allows you to setup a survey for data-collection in the real-world without sacrificing time.

  • Real-Time Reporting

  • Location Awareness - Automatic Segmentation

  • Instant Feedback - Globally

  • Off-The-Shelf Hardware - Apple iPhone/iPad

  • Custom iPhone/iPad App

  • Custom User Interface for handheld devices

Here is a video and help file:

The objective (from our standpoint) for the pilot would be:

  • Validate that the solution that we are coming up with indeed is useful and adds value

  • Find holes in the process/solution so we can go live with a bigger bang

  • Put together a case study on advantages/cost savings/opportunity etc.

Some target uses:

  • Personal mall intercept survey - Mall
    intercept surveys are widely used and (theoretically) able to reach a
    large segment of the population. In any given two-week period, about 2/3
    of U.S. households shop one or more times at a mall. According to a
    CASRO membership survey, about 25% of all marketing research and 64% of
    personal interviews are conducted at malls.

  • Interview & on-site surveys - Rapidly
    develop and deploy complex and multilingual surveys on a variety of
    mobile devices. Interviewers engage people at the point of experience to
    ensure that the insights collected are timely and accurate.

  • Post Class/Training Evaluation - Pass a
    survey around for feedback on training sessions right after the session

Here is a quick video:

[vodpod id=Video.3459685&w=425&h=350&fv=%40videoPlayer%3D78953094001%26amp%3BplayerID%3D76485591001%26amp%3Bdomain%3Dembed%26amp%3BdynamicStreaming%3Dtrue]

We'd obviously offer this solution to you free of cost for the pilot phase. Our iPhone/iPad app is under the app review cycle with Apple and our expectation is that this will available for general download/install in the next 2 weeks.

If you'd like to participate in the pilot - and have a project in mind in the next 2-6 weeks please feel free to get in touch with me. My contact info is below:

vivek [dot] bhaskaran [at]

Additional Links:
