This month, we’ll delve more deeply into how to write persuasive text that helps to convert prospects into buyers. We’ll focus on the differences between writing about features of your products and/or services and the benefits of those products and/or services – and demonstrate how compelling benefit statements draw in prospects.
Features of Products and Services
Product example: Let’s say that you’re selling access to a web app that allows companies to get quick snapshots of their current cash flow positions.
The features of your product might include tools that allow for fast easy entry of data and for the creation of reports that organize your information in helpful ways.
Service example: Maybe you own a professional organizer business. An important feature of your service package may include a follow up consultation with your clients to reinforce new organizational habits in them.
What’s next?
Take a step back to think about why someone might be interested in your product (cash flow web app) or service (professional organization).
- If your company markets the web app, prospects might like the fact that getting a cash flow report is now faster and easier.
- If you’re the professional organizer, your prospects might feel that they’ll get more work done and manage their time more efficiently if they can master organizational strategies.
Benefits of Products and Services
Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter: how purchasing your product or service can benefit your prospects!
Product example: When someone purchases access to your cash flow web app, he or she will definitely save time; but he or she will also have nearly immediate access to valuable data about the business’s cash position. This means that your prospects will be able to use the time saved – and the incredible information gathered – to make quality decisions that can help grow their businesses.
Which headline would get your attention more?
Features with minor benefit: With the ABC cash flow web app’s new and improved tools, you can finish your reports more quickly!
Benefits focused: With the ABC cash flow web app, you’ll have vital information right at your fingertips, allowing you to make the best decisions for the growth of your business.
Service example: Let’s now look at the professional organization consultation. With your seminar feature, your prospects can discover organizational techniques, which will certainly make for a neater office – but, more importantly, these techniques can free up time, which could be used to pursue personal and business goals and dreams.
Again, which headline would grab your attention?
Features: Learn organization techniques with Sandra’s seminars – and receive a follow-up consultation!
Benefits: Free up your time to pursue the dreams of a lifetime with Sandra’s organization services and her personalized one-on-one consultations.
Something to Think About
Take a look at your own website. Are you sharing the features of your products and/or services – or the ways in which prospects can truly benefit from choosing your company? If you’re spending too much time on the features, how can you edit the text to bring the incredible benefits of your products and/or services to the forefront?
Next month, we’ll share part 3 of our successful copywriting series – giving you more information to help attract targeted traffic (sales leads!) to your website.
This month’s opportunities:
Knowledge is power – this month, you’ll be filling any gaps in your understanding of SEO copywriting.
- Read through the Search Marketing Terms Glossary
- A few quick reads about blogging:
- Discover how to create an editorial calendar for your site’s blog.
- See how corporate blogs really do influence buying decisions.
- Read about how to create effective landing page copy on your site.
- Discover what questions your prospects are asking – and then answer them on your site.
- Bonus: read back issues of the newsletter here: to learn more.
- Burning question or comment? Email me at [email protected].
About the Author: Leslie Carruthers is President of The Search Guru, a best practices full services Search Marketing firm creating breakthrough results for their clients since 2004. Leslie can be reached at 440-306-2418 or[email protected].
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