Feature Spotlight: Custom Variables

In this feature spotlight we are diving into the world of custom variables. We have now made it easier to update and map custom variables in your survey that can be used for piping, logic, raw data, and data segmentation. Read on to learn more about what custom variables are, how to set them up, and the many applications in your survey.

Custom variables are special variables that are used to store additional information that will eventually be passed on into the survey. Once passed on in the survey, they are stored with the respondent's response. You can view custom variables online using the response viewer. Custom variables are also available to download as an Excel and CSV Raw Data download.

There are a few guidelines to remember when doing custom variable mapping. First, click on "Quick Add" to start a new variable mapping. Enter only one variable mapping per line. Each custom variable can store up to 128 characters, and you can upload up to 255 custom variables. Also keep in mind that each custom variable can be mapped to one and only one value. Make sure that each display name is unique to that variable. "Code" must be unique and should not contain any special characters or a space. Lastly, use the first column as the custom variable number. For example, "3" stands for "custom3".

Follow this format when adding quick custom mapping. The format should read, Custom variable number, display name, code. For example, 1, Department, dpt. Once you are done click on the "Save" button and now it will be included in the data. When you go to download the raw data, you can include these new custom variable codes. For more information on custom variables, check out this video here from our most recent Education Hour that walks you through the entire process.


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